aws/code series

deploy source belonging to cross account in AWS

gepp 2022. 6. 10. 17:05

This document will describe how to deploy AWS code pipeline with the source in cross account.




Create pipeline.json as you wish:

root@sy:~/crosscb/my-codcommit-repo01# aws codepipeline update-pipeline --cli-input-json file://pipeline.json
    "pipeline": {
        "name": "test",
        "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::[CrossAccountB]:role/test",
        "artifactStore": {
            "type": "S3",
            "location": "my-test",
            "encryptionKey": {
                "id": "arn:aws:kms:ap-northeast-2:[CrossAccountB]:key/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "type": "KMS"
        "stages": [
                "name": "Source",
                "actions": [
                        "name": "Source",
                        "actionTypeId": {
                            "category": "Source",
                            "owner": "AWS",
                            "provider": "CodeCommit",
                            "version": "1"
                        "runOrder": 1,
                        "configuration": {
                            "BranchName": "main",
                            "OutputArtifactFormat": "CODE_ZIP",
                            "PollForSourceChanges": "true",
                            "RepositoryName": "my-codcommit-repo01"
                        "outputArtifacts": [
                                "name": "SourceArtifact"
                        "inputArtifacts": [],
                        "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::[CrossAccountA]:role/CrossAccountRepoAccessRole",
                        "region": "ap-northeast-2",
                        "namespace": "SourceVariables"
                "name": "Build",
                "actions": [
                        "name": "Build",
                        "actionTypeId": {
                            "category": "Build",
                            "owner": "AWS",
                            "provider": "CodeBuild",
                            "version": "1"
                        "runOrder": 1,
                        "configuration": {
                            "ProjectName": "test"
                        "outputArtifacts": [
                                "name": "BuildArtifact"
                        "inputArtifacts": [
                                "name": "SourceArtifact"
                        "region": "ap-northeast-2",
                        "namespace": "BuildVariables"
                "name": "Staging",
                "actions": [
                        "name": "DeployPOC",
                        "actionTypeId": {
                            "category": "Deploy",
                            "owner": "AWS",
                            "provider": "CodeDeploy",
                            "version": "1"
                        "runOrder": 1,
                        "configuration": {
                            "ApplicationName": "yourapp",
                            "DeploymentGroupName": "yourdeploygroup"
                        "outputArtifacts": [],
                        "inputArtifacts": [
                                "name": "SourceArtifact"
        "version": 6



Deploy below execution command like:

# aws codepipeline start-pipeline-execution --name test
    "pipelineExecutionId": "de0afxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"