
Automation technologies including tech companies

gepp 2023. 8. 4. 11:04




What are the major leaders in infrastructure automation technologies?


  • AWS CloudFormation: AWS CloudFormation is Amazon Web Services' (AWS) native IaC service that allows users to create and manage AWS resources using JSON or YAML templates.


  • Google Cloud Deployment Manager: Similar to CloudFormation, Google Cloud Deployment Manager enables the creation and management of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources through configuration files.


  • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates: Microsoft Azure's ARM Templates provide IaC capabilities for defining and managing Azure resources.


  • Ansible: Ansible is an open-source automation tool that supports IaC for provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment.


  • Chef: Chef is another open-source automation platform that enables configuration management and infrastructure automation.


  • Puppet: Puppet is a configuration management tool that helps manage the state of IT infrastructure through code.


  • Jenkins: Jenkins is an open-source automation server that can be used for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.


  • GitLab CI/CD: GitLab provides built-in CI/CD capabilities for automating the deployment and testing of applications using GitLab's infrastructure.



A brief description of some of HashiCorp key services

  • Terraform: Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that enables users to define and manage cloud infrastructure using a declarative configuration language. With Terraform, you can create, modify, and destroy infrastructure resources across various cloud providers, data centers, and services, all in a version-controlled and repeatable manner.


  • Consul: Consul is a service networking platform that provides features for service discovery, health checking, and key-value storage. It simplifies the management of distributed applications and microservices by enabling them to locate and communicate with each other reliably.


  • Vault: Vault is a secrets management tool that securely stores, accesses, and manages sensitive data, such as passwords, tokens, and encryption keys. It ensures that applications and services can access secrets securely without hardcoding or exposing them.


  • Nomad: Nomad is a lightweight and flexible job scheduler and orchestrator. It allows users to deploy and manage applications across various infrastructure platforms, including virtual machines, containers, and bare-metal servers.

    Packer: Packer is a tool for creating machine images for various platforms, such as Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, and Docker. It automates the process of creating consistent, ready-to-use machine images, ensuring that environments are reproducible and scalable.

    Vagrant: Vagrant is a development environment automation tool that simplifies the setup and configuration of virtual development environments. It allows developers to create and share reproducible development environments easily.