[Error] error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: SignatureDoesNotMatch: Signature expired
2023. 8. 8. 15:08
1. Local env: Ubuntu CLI, terraform
2. Error messages: sts get caller identity error, "signature does not match"
2.1 with terraform
soyi@SOYI /mnt/c/Users/SOYI/tf-test/fundamental-aws-infra/terraform $ terraform init
Initializing the backend...
Initializing modules...
│ Error: error configuring S3 Backend: error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: SignatureDoesNotMatch: Signature expired: 20230807T110917Z is now earlier than 20230808T053756Z (20230808T055256Z - 15 min.)
│ status code: 403, request id: 557xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-7b40xxxxxxxxx
2.2 check aws sts command (same error)
soyi@SOYI /mnt/c/Users/SOYI/tf-test/fundamental-aws-infra/terraform $ aws sts get-caller-identity
An error occurred (SignatureDoesNotMatch) when calling the GetCallerIdentity operation: Signature expired: 20230807T110934Z is now earlier than 20230808T053813Z (20230808T055313Z - 15 min.)
3. resolve:
3.1 check the aws configure credentials first
3.2 if 3.1 is ok, then synchronize the ntpdate if the env is Ubuntu like -
# run following command if it's Ubuntu
$ sudo ntpdate
8 Aug 14:55:29 ntpdate[1292]: step time server offset +67418.817306 sec
# the result means it's done.
# if ntpdate command is not found, then install ntp as below.
sudo apt install ntp && ntpdate -y