kubectl get pods
생성된 pod 정보 확인
kubectl describe pods
자세한 pod 정보 확인. IP address, the ports used and a list of events related to the lifecycle of the Pod.
$ sleep 1; launch.sh
Starting Kubernetes. This is expected to take less than a minute.....
Kubernetes Started
$ kubectl get pods
kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s
$ kubectl get pods
kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc 1/1 Running 0 52s
$ kubectl describe pods
Name: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc
Namespace: default
Priority: 0
Node: minikube/
Start Time: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 07:15:00 +0000
Labels: app=kubernetes-bootcamp
Annotations: <none>
Status: Running
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579
Container ID: docker://b525713ba1e40d0358493591c84aaa2444cc2bf13beb481a88aa27dc438e8d58
Image: gcr.io/google-samples/kubernetes-bootcamp:v1
Image ID: docker-pullable://jocatalin/kubernetes-bootcamp@sha256:0d6b8ee63bb57c5f5b6156f446b3bc3b3c143d233037f3a2f00e279c8fcc64af
Port: 8080/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 07:15:02 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Environment: <none>
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-6vrph (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
ContainersReady True
PodScheduled True
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-6vrph
Optional: false
QoS Class: BestEffort
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 74s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc to minikube
Normal Pulled 72s kubelet Container image "gcr.io/google-samples/kubernetes-bootcamp:v1" already present on machine
Normal Created 72s kubelet Created container kubernetes-bootcamp
Normal Started 72s kubelet Started container kubernetes-bootcamp
-. proxy를 통해 pod에 접근하여 pod 이름을 구하여 POD_NAME 환경변수로 export하기
먼저, 새로운 터미널에서 proxy start. 아웃풋을 확인하려면 다른 터미널에서 확인
$ echo -e "\n\n\n\e[92mStarting Proxy. After starting it will not output a response. e first Terminal Tab\n"; kubectl proxy
Starting Proxy. After starting it will not output a response. Please click the first Terminal Tab
Starting to serve on
기존 터미널에서 kubectl 로 파드 이름을 구하여 환경변수로 지정하여 호출하기.
아웃풋 확인은 curl을 통해 호출한다.
$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
$ echo Name of the Pod: $POD_NAME
Name of the Pod: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc
$ curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/$POD_NAME/proxy/
Hello Kubernetes bootcamp! | Running on: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc | v=1
해당 파드 내의 컨테이너에서 어플리케이션이 STDOUT으로 보내는 기록이 로그로 남고, 확인은 다음과 같이 한다.
$ kubectl logs $POD_NAME
Kubernetes Bootcamp App Started At: 2022-04-12T07:15:03.138Z | Running On: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc
Running On: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc | Total Requests: 1 | App Uptime: 1320.845 seconds | Log Time: 2022-04-12T07:37:03.983Z
Running On: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc | Total Requests: 2 | App Uptime: 1335.31 seconds | Log Time: 2022-04-12T07:37:18.448Z
Running On: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc | Total Requests: 3 | App Uptime: 1445.257 seconds | Log Time: 2022-04-12T07:39:08.395Z
pod가 up and running 상태이면 exec 명령어를 사용하여
kubectl exec 의 옵션에 대한 정보:
$ kubectl exec --help
Execute a command in a container.
# Get output from running 'date' command from pod mypod, using the first
container by default
kubectl exec mypod -- date
# Get output from running 'date' command in ruby-container from pod mypod
kubectl exec mypod -c ruby-container -- date
# Switch to raw terminal mode, sends stdin to 'bash' in ruby-container from
pod mypod
# and sends stdout/stderr from 'bash' back to the client
kubectl exec mypod -c ruby-container -i -t -- bash -il
# List contents of /usr from the first container of pod mypod and sort by
modification time.
# If the command you want to execute in the pod has any flags in common (e.g.
# you must use two dashes (--) to separate your command's flags/arguments.
# Also note, do not surround your command and its flags/arguments with quotes
# unless that is how you would execute it normally (i.e., do ls -t /usr, not
"ls -t /usr").
kubectl exec mypod -i -t -- ls -t /usr
# Get output from running 'date' command from the first pod of the deployment
mydeployment, using the first container by default
kubectl exec deploy/mydeployment -- date
# Get output from running 'date' command from the first pod of the service
myservice, using the first container by default
kubectl exec svc/myservice -- date
-c, --container='': Container name. If omitted, the first container in the pod
will be chosen
-f, --filename=[]: to use to exec into the resource
--pod-running-timeout=1m0s: The length of time (like 5s, 2m, or 3h, higher
than zero) to wait until at least one pod is running
-i, --stdin=false: Pass stdin to the container
-t, --tty=false: Stdin is a TTY
kubectl exec (POD | TYPE/NAME) [-c CONTAINER] [flags] -- COMMAND [args...]
Use "kubectl options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all
pod의 환경변수 확인: kubectl exec $POD_NAME -- env
pod의 컨테이너에서 bash 세션 생성 : kubectl exec -ti $POD_NAME -- bash
bash 세션으로 들어온 후, 컨테이너 안의 실제 어플리케이션 코드에 접근 가능.
어플리케이션이 정상 동작하는 상태인지 curl localhost로 확인.
root@kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc:/# curl localhost:8080
Hello Kubernetes bootcamp! | Running on: kubernetes-bootcamp-fb5c67579-xxdfc | v=1
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